You've been paying into critical illness insurance with the expectation that it would cushion you financially in the event of a severe medical diagnosis. This type of insurance is meant to cover substantial costs from treatments and help sustain your lifestyle during recovery periods. However, when the time comes to rely on this insurance, it is crucial to have strong legal backing to navigate any disputes and ensure your insurer upholds their part of the agreement.

Common reasons why critical illness insurance claims are denied

Pre-existing conditions
Incomplete diagnosis
Non-disclosure of medical history or lifestyle factors such as smoking or alcohol use
The illness is covered but has not progressed enough to satisfy the definition
The illness is covered but the policy definition has a narrow definition of the form or category of the covered illness

The right legal expertise is key in critical illness insurance disputes

If you are struggling with a critical illness claim following a serious health diagnosis, our legal team is here to help. We have the expertise and dedication needed to tackle these challenging cases with sensitivity and thoroughness.

We understand how insurance companies operate, having helped many clients across Canada find positive resolution to their insurance disputes

Your insurance agent/ broker may be liable

If your claim has been denied due to errors in the insured person’s application, our experienced lawyers are ready to explore all avenues for compensation with both the insurance company and the agent the insured trusted to protect their interests. We know how to prove negligence with expert evidence and by examining the application process undertaken by the agent.

Know your rights and act promptly

It is crucial not to delay when it comes to understanding and asserting your rights. Keep in mind that there is a limited timeframe to appeal or contest an insurance claim denial. Act swiftly to protect your interests.

Let our Experienced Lawyers Help

Our litigation lawyers handle life insurance cases in Ontario and across Canada.

We understand that you are grieving and that the denial of the insurance adds to your distress.

Let our lawyers advocate for your rights so that you can focus on yourself in this difficult time.

Bilingual Disability Lawyers with the Right Expertise to Represent You anywhere in Canada

While our offices are in Toronto, Ottawa, Hawkesbury and Waterloo, we can be by your side and on your side across Canada, handling matters in the Atlantic and Western provinces as well as Northern Ontario. There is no need for you to travel. We come to you, or we handle your case virtually.
Contact us today at 613-233-6898

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and on your side™


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