Here are answers to questions we often get asked. Please keep in mind that these are general questions and our answers are not a replacement for actual legal advice. Book a consultation with us so we can help you with your unique situation.
If you have been seriously injured, one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your loved ones is to be sure you are informed about the legal and insurance systems by a law firm that understands them. Contact Burn Tucker Lachaîne for a free, no obligation consultation.
We handle motor vehicle accidents claims involving:
- Car accidents
- Truck accidents
- Cycling accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Drunk driver accidents, including bar and tavern liability
- Other motor vehicle accidents
- Accident benefits claims
We handle serious personal injury claims involving:
- Head injury
- Spinal cord injury
- Fractures
- Psychological injuries
- Children’s injuries
- Wrongful death
- Other injuries
We handle disability insurance claims.
Some questions to ask a personal injury lawyer include:
- Are you a certified specialist in civil litigation?
- How are you paid?
- How many personal injury cases have you taken to trial?
- How many personal injury cases have you handled?
- Have you handled a personal injury case like mine before?
- Do you handle all aspects of the case (for example the accident benefit file in motor vehicle cases)?
- How should I communicate with you?
- What information do you need from me?
- Who will work on my file?
The Law Society of Ontario regulates lawyers and paralegals in Ontario. Lawyers can apply to the Law Society to be designated as a specialist in their area of practice. The Law Society reviews applications and makes decisions based on a set of criteria that require the lawyer to demonstrate leadership and expertise in their area of practice as well as exemplary standards of professional practice. While there is no designated specialization in personal injury law, there is a designation of specialist in civil litigation. All three partners of Burn Tucker Lachaîne have the designation of having been certified by the Law Society as specialists in civil litigation. You can read more here: Burn Tucker Lachaîne Partners are Certified Specialists in Civil Litigation
Some documents you may need for your case include:
- Incident reports
- Photos of the scene
- Personal identification
- Witness statements
- Insurance information
- Names and addresses of treatment providers
We can make arrangements to meet with you at the hospital or in your home. Contact us to arrange a free, no obligation consultation.
If you were involved in a car accident in Ontario, you may have the right to commence a lawsuit against the person responsible for the accident. There are some limitations on who can sue and for what kinds of damages, which we would be happy to discuss further with you.
Although generally the lawsuit is commenced against the driver responsible for the accident, if that driver had car insurance, his or her insurance company will usually be the one to pay for your damages and losses. Again, there are a number of limitations which we would be happy to discuss further with you.
You have two years to bring a lawsuit against the person responsible for the car accident but you should speak to a lawyer as soon as possible so that you can understand your rights.
You are entitled to receive no-fault accident benefits. These can include, but are not limited to:
- Benefits for your lost wages or your inability to continue to care for a person in need, such as a child or an elderly parent
- Your treatment and medication
- Attendant care and housekeeping
You have the right to dispute the decision of your insurance company through an application to the License Appeal Tribunal. Speak to a lawyer as soon as possible so that you can understand your rights.
Even if you were at fault, you are still entitled to receive accidental benefits from your automobile insurer. These can include, but are not limited to:
- Benefits for your lost wages or your inability to continue to care for a person in need, such as a child or an elderly parent
- Your treatment and medication
- Attendant care and housekeeping
You have the right to dispute the decision of the insurance company. Contact Burn Tucker Lachaîne to learn more.
Looking for More Information?
Give us a call or text at this number: 613-233-6898
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