Sue Lepine, Lori Mitchel, Debi Dryden and Colleen Burn "woman" the Burn Tucker Lachaine exhibitor table at Brain Injury Awareness Day
On Wednesday June 14, 2023 Vista Centre Brain Injury Services hosted the 12th annual Brain Injury Awareness Day at St. Elias Centre in Ottawa. The program was also available for participants to access virtually. It was clear that this event was missed during the COVID years when this kind of in person gathering was not possible. Even more participants than were expected attended in person. The day offered a unique opportunity to bring together brain injury survivors, family members, health care and legal professionals for a unique combination of teaching and testimony. We heard from those whose personal and professional lives are directly affected by brain injury. Once again the event was free of charge to attendees who enjoyed informative talks as well as an opportunity to share stories and ideas with fellow survivors, family, and related professionals. This program including breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks was made possible by the generosity of the sponsors and exhibitors including:
Truly a highlight of the day was the key note address by rock legend Carl Dixon who recounted his experience following a traumatic brain injury sustained in a road accident in Australia. Mr. Dixon graced us with several musical interludes which were enjoyed by all including clapping, dancing and singing along.
It was wonderful to come together, greet old friends, meet some new people and generally feel the great collegiality of those with common understanding and experience.
Thank you to Vista Centre Brain Injury Services and the organizing committee of this event for hosting this fantastic event!