Our office offers free consultations to those who have been injured or who have disability claims that have been denied or terminated. Callers often want to better understand what this means – how long is the consultation, is there any fee, what if you are not sure you want to go ahead with a claim?
Our free consultation is just that – there is no charge whatsoever for the consultation. The meeting may take place in person at our office or, if you are unable to come to us, we will meet you at the hospital or in your home. If you live out of town, you may wish to have the first meeting take place by telephone. A lawyer will attend the meeting and, in some cases, a law clerk or paralegal may also attend. It will typically last anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes.
The purpose of the initial consultation is to ensure that you have all the information you need about your rights and responsibilities after an accident. We will go through some of the details about your accident and injuries, or your disability claim. We will give you information during the meeting and will follow up after with a letter. We will talk about what is involved in pursuing a claim and whether you should do so, but there is never any pressure or obligation to proceed. If we recommend pursuing a claim, we will tell you what is involved but the decision to proceed, and when, is always yours.
Our consultations do not always lead to the opening of a file – in fact, they often do not. But we believe it is important for you to understand your rights when it comes to insurance. You should never rely on the insurance adjuster to provide that information, without also confirming with a lawyer.
If we recommend proceeding and you wish to do so, then we discuss the steps and time involved. We will also discuss contingency fees, which is how most personal injury and disability claimants’ files operate. A contingency fee agreement at our firm means you do not pay anything up front and you pay us only if and when your claim is resolved (by settlement or trial).
For more information, have a look at our related blog called “What to do if I have been injured in a car accident?”.
And if you are interested in a free consultation with one of our lawyers, please contact us at www.burntucker.com. For more information about our contingency fee arrangements, please refer to: https://burntucker.com/faqs.
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